1- Tutoring for Public Schools: We offer high-level professional tutoring for elementary, middle, and high school students

Our students in public schools require significant support, guidance, and follow-up, regardless of their academic levels

Struggling students need someone to help clarify concepts and simplify information

while high-achieving students need direction, training, and supervision to reach their true potential among distinguished peers, ultimately leading to innovation and creativity.

Since the beginning, we have placed great importance on all students, regardless of their academic performance

Achieving significant successes through our sincere determination and outstanding administrative and academic staff.

2- Comprehensive Support for International School Students: We provide reinforcement and follow-up services for students in international schools following British and American curricula.

International school students may face various challenges during their academic studies, as they learn Western curricula from teachers who speak foreign languages. While there are significant benefits to using a foreign language, students often miss out on essential skills and scientific concepts because they may not fully understand everything the teacher says in class

This is where our role at Reaya Education Center becomes crucial. Our academic team, fluent in both Arabic and English, clarifies concepts and simplifies information, making foreign curricula accessible to all students to achieve the best grades.

Our extensive experience in teaching British and American curricula has helped many of our students achieve advanced grades across different levels, leading them to excel in British IGCSE IGCSE and American IB exams. IB

3- Full Support for University Students

Our center proudly provides necessary and distinguished support for all students in Qatar, even in their university studies, whether they are at Qatar University, Community College, Doha College, or other universities.
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Media
  • Psychology...and other curricula
  • Arabic Language 1 and Arabic Language 2
  • English 1 and English 2
  • Grammar and morphology
  • History and geography of Qatar
  • Accounting and economics

One of our primary goals is to continue supporting our students until they achieve their aspirations.

4- Professional Tutoring for High School Students

The high school stage, especially the final year, requires significant attention from students and their families to ensure they achieve the highest grades necessary for admission to their desired universities. At Reaya Education Center, we leverage our educational expertise to provide our students with the strongest training and review sessions that typically align with exam content, delivered by a select group of highly experienced professional teachers specializing in high school education. High school students should start with us early in the academic year, and with God's help, we guarantee they will achieve top marks. All we need from students is determination and perseverance; we will take care of the rest, with God's will.

5- أقوى برنامج تأسيسي لمادة اللغة العربية

  • Teaching the Arabic language

من الواضح أن كثيرا من أبنائنا يعانون من مشاكل مزمنة في دراستهم للغتين العربية والإنجليزية؛ في الحقيقة المسألة تعود إلى ضعف التأسيس، والذي يقود بالضرورة
إلى4 الضعف العام في اللغة، والذي يلقي بظلاله على الضعف الشامل في الدراسة بصورة عامة، والطالب الضعيف في مادة العلوم أو التاريخ أو غيرها من المواد سنجد
أن مرجع ضعفه يعود إلى ضعفه اللغوي. إننا في مركز رعاية نمتلك أقوى البرامج التي تعمل على تأسيس الطالب في مادة اللغة العربية، ومادة اللغة الانجليزية، وذلك
ضمن منهج متدرج من مستويات خاصة يجتازها الطالب ليستطيع بعدها مسايرة أقرانه، بل والتفوق عليهم.